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What is a Safe Space?

© UNICEF/2019/Regis

Art therapy exhibition providing opportunities for migrant children

A safe space is:

§  one where you have no fear of judgement or safety

§  a place where you feel comfortable

§  non-judgmental and respectful

§  a place where you can be yourself

§  a place where you can be comfortable spiritually, mentally and physically

§  a place where you feel safe

§  somewhere you feel safe

§  a calm place with no judgements


In a safe space you can:

§  explore your thoughts, feelings, and expressions without fear of judgement or safety

§  be vulnerable and trust the people there

§  be open and honest about your strength, weaknesses and fears

§  constructively criticize others and be constructively criticized as well

§  feel confident that you will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm

§  be yourself without any threat of ridicule or judgement

§  express yourself, or be yourself freely without judgement from others

§  feel safe to express yourself without fear or discomfort

§  know that the people around you love you fully

§  trust the people around you

§  feel loved

§  feel respected

We asked U-Reporters, "when you hear the term "safe space" what do you think about...or...what do you need to feel safe in a space?" This is what they told us.

© UNICEF/UN0199078/Noorani

"A safe space is an environment (whether it be physical, virtual, mental) where one is able to explore thoughts feelings and expressions without fear of judgement or safety."

28 year old, Female, Point Fortin

"I think a safe space is a place where you feel comfortable or safe being vulnerable and you trust the people there."

16 year old, Male

"This means a non-judgmental, respectful place to be open and honest about your strength, weaknesses and fears. It should be a place where I can constructively criticise and be willing to hear same from others. Understanding of boundries and safe word/actions can be instituted so that both can know when emotions are more than one or the other can manage so recognition for feelings without ppl feeling others will think they are too much is also needed."

"My definition of a safe place is a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm."

15 year old, Female, Sangre Grande

© UNICEF/UNI163670/Markisz

"A place where one can be themselves without any threat of ridicule or judgement. A place where one can be comfortable spiritually, mentally and physically."

25 year old, Female, San Juan - Laventille

"Somewhere where one feels shielded and a place where one feels comforted , where one is comfortable to speak about anything."

13 year old, Female, Piarco


21 year old, Male

"A place where I feel safe to express myself fully without fear or discomfort. Knowing that the people around me love me fully and that I can trust them."

17 year old, Port of Spain

© UNICEF/2019/Regis

"A safe space to me is an area that I am comfortable with sharing my emotions and letting them out. I feel a sense of rare calmness in my core that."

19 year old, Female


16 year old, Female

"A safe space is one in which you can exist without feeling concerned for your physical or emotional safety. It's a place you feel totally comfortable. A safe space feels like a home away from home."

25 year old

"A calm place with no judgements where I feel loved and respected."

14 year old Female, Chaguanas

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.