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The Introduction of U-Report at UWI, St Augustine Guild Fest

I had the opportunity to engage hundreds of young people at UWI Guild fest last week, while volunteering at the U-Report booth. This interaction generated great insight about their thoughts on the platform and the issues they face 

When asked about whether they knew of U-report, approximately 85% -90% of the youth replied in the negative. However, when they learned about the power of the platform 100% of the youths said U-Report is a step in the right direction.  

Not only will they now have a voice on issues that are important to them, but their voices will be heard by those with the power to make positive change 

They loved the idea! 

I specifically asked the youths I spoke with what were some of the issues they believed were severely affecting the youth today. Their responses were varied. However, there were specific issues that were repeatedly mentioned; mental health issues, cyberbullying, unemployment, finding job opportunities after finishing their degrees, family issues, and financial problems. These seemed to be the most pressing issues affecting the youth from the interactions I had on the two days at UWI Guild fest.  

I estimate that 90% of the youths I spoke with joined U-Report on the spot when they understood U-Report’s objective and how simple it is to join.  

Youth who visited our booth also spoke frequently about sharing the platform with their friends as well. Additionally, many of them expressed an interest in becoming U-Report Ambassadors.  

Overall, the experience proved to be quite informative on what issues the youths believe needs to be addressed in our society and the importance of having U-Report as a pragmatic approach in assisting in alleviating such.  

Jeremy Baptiste, U-Report Ambassador, Trinidad and Tobago

See by the numbers how we are engaging youth voices for positive social change.